Project Overview
PlanQAC 2021 updates the County’s last Comprehensive Plan, adopted in 2010. It will express the vision of what the County wants to become over the next 10 to 20 years and the steps needed to make that vision a reality. It serves as the policy guide and framework for future growth and development, infrastructure and capital improvements, and natural and historic resource conservation. The Plan encompasses the County’s entire geographic region and includes functional elements that impact growth and development such as transportation, economic development, community facilities, environment, and land use. The final Comprehensive Plan will be an advisory document to inform the Board of County Commissioners, Planning Commission, and County departments, as well as stakeholders, non-profit organizations, social services, and the citizens and business owners of Queen Anne’s County.
The Process
All members of the community are invited to make their voice heard through a variety of surveys, community meetings, visioning sessions, etc. Public meetings will take place in various locations and formats to involve as many members of the community as possible. Public meetings will take into account the current guidance related to the COVID-19 Pandemic; due to limitations on meeting size, many initial meetings may take place virtually.
Visit the Get Involved page to learn more about current opportunities! Visit the Resources page for a recap of meetings and events that have already occurred.
The PlanQAC 2021 process will include a number of meetings, from presentations to and workshops with the Planning Commission to workshops focused on various functional elements, to countywide visioning meetings. The Get Involved page lists upcoming meetings, while the Resources page includes information from meetings that have already occurred. Check these pages for updates or sign up to be notified of new content on our Contact/Feedback page!