Welcome to the Queen Anne’s County Comprehensive Plan Update project website. We are excited that you are here and interested in the future of Queen Anne’s County. This website is intended to provide information regarding the development of the Comprehensive Plan Update, and to keep the community informed of opportunities to participate in the process.
The public comment period for the draft Comprehensive Plan and Kent Narrows Community Plan ended on December 13, 2021. Thank you for your comments.
Hard copies of both the draft Comprehensive Plan and draft Kent Narrows Plan are available at:
QAC Planning and Zoning
110 Vincit Street
Centreville, MD 21617
A comprehensive plan establishes a community’s long-term vision, goals, strategies, and policies for guiding future decisions, changes, and investments. It includes background information on the County’s past, along with an analysis of current issues and trends. The Plan is intended to serve as a guide for the County’s future growth, revitalization, preservation, and resilience over the next 10-20 years. While it will primarily provide guidance for the County’s unincorporated areas, it will also address key community issues that require collaboration with Queen Anne's County municipalities and other state and local agencies.
The current plan, adopted in 2010, helped to guide County decisions and policies over the past ten years. The County adopts a new comprehensive plan on a periodic basis to address changing conditions, new socio-economic circumstances, or other changes in policy. The State of Maryland also requires that counties and municipalities update their plans at least once every ten years.
Wallace Montgomery, a multidisciplinary consulting firm with offices in Maryland and Delaware, has been contracted to update the Comprehensive Plan. Working with County staff, boards, commissions, and project sub-consultants, the update will reflect current demographic, development, and preservation conditions in Queen Anne’s County, identify future trends and opportunities, and provide goals and recommendations for a number of topic areas.
It is important to get involved in the Comprehensive Plan activities, from data collection to community visioning and mapping, to the creation of goals and objectives. The Get Involved page of this website describes all current opportunities available to give your input, including our “Comp Plan Question of the Week.” This page will also list all public meeting dates and times throughout the process as they are scheduled, as well as include materials from past events. Use the Contact/Feedback page to sign up for future updates and to ask questions and provide feedback regarding the comprehensive plan.
Existing plans and strategies are an important part of the comprehensive planning process. These plans will inform the planning process and, in some cases, will be incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan if the goals and vision are still consistent with the community’s aspirations.
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